Floor Craft
We all flow generally counter clockwise, and I’ve only had to tell people once. However, while floating with the stream that is line of dance, we can do things to disturb our fellow rafters either more or less. I am not completely innocent myself, you see. I’m just sneakier.
First, the obvious. Hitting people is bad. Either in a violent-intentional way, or if your volcada is just too big. But we all know that.
Some don’t realize that making me think that you are going to hit me is just as bad: I have to lurch to one side, ruining my groove. So does the next couple over. In fact (and I know this makes me a Tango Snob) if you dance arrhythmical too near to me, you are going to disturb the flow of my dance. And that’s the point of floor craft rules, right? To be polite, and not to disturb me, your friendly neighbor?
Floor Craft, Part 2
Of all the complaints I get from people, the most numerous has to be Music. Floorcraft is a close second, though. And I think it can be better addressed at this time. The rules are basic. Go Counter Clockwise around the floor, do big moves into the corners of the room, try not to nudge other people.
The rule that I think is most overlooked is that there is a minimum velocity required for a healthy dance floor. Really if there is no forward progress out of someone and a few measures have passed, they are holding up the rest of the floor.
In fact (and I know this makes me one of the “shoebox kids”) If you stop the flow for too long, you are not just holding me back, but holding everyone else up too. That kind of Bogart-ing the dance floor is just impolite. And that’s the point of dance rules, right? To keep us being polite, so we can all dance together?